
It’s the Little Things: Minnie’s Pin Stroller

Okay, I know, I know. It’s been a while. I had to take a brief hiatus. Apologies all around! Just needed time to soak in the awesome sauce of my recent Disney trip. Don’t feel jealous! I brought back souvenirs. No, not one of those giant multi-colored lollipop things.

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Disney with Special Dietary Needs

I’ve discussed before Disney’s magical ability to make you fork over an absurd amount of money with a smile on your face. I’ve previously attributed it to fairy dust… but I think it’s because as you’re grinning whilst you empty your child’s college fund, the Disney cast members making minimum wage have an even bigger grin as they bend over backwards to grant your heart’s desire.

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In Defense of Avatar Land

I was fully prepared to write this blog by adding another voice to the general “what choo thinking?” attitude towards this, frankly, bizarre idea.

For those who aren’t obsessively following Disney park updates, Disney World has partnered with James Cameron in order to bring his vision of Avatar to Disney’s Animal Kingdom in the form of a new land. The project has been shelved and then unshelved, and it’s still in very early stages. Read More…

The Dragons are Here! The Dragons are Here!

If you’re like me, you’ve been following Gary B on Twitter as he posts all of Disney’s “dragon updates.” If you’re not, you should. He’s the one behind the official parks blog who has been teasing us with all the videos and photos lately.

Mostly these videos have been using CGI dragons, but this latest one seems to feature the actual mechanical dragon. Along with some pretty killer pajamas…

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