Comments on: Tangled vs Princess and the Frog: The Unfortunate Disney Litmus Test Sun, 11 Feb 2018 00:32:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alias Darker Mon, 11 Dec 2017 21:50:00 +0000 Princess and the frog was Disney’s excuse to stop 2D . i wouldn’t be surprised if they downplayed it on purpose . i didn’t like the movie but i thought the drawings were amazing . these new shapeless, short , doll like disney characters are ugly . i mean they all look like children … Rapunzel and the sisters from Frozen are supposed to be young adults but they almost look like infant children . compare Elsa ( or whatever her name is, the blonde one) to Aurora from Sleeping Beauty or even Cinderella . they’re supposed to be the same age and the same constitution but it’s like Aurora is her aunt . i don’t understand that creative decision . the magic of disney is hat they could make classic animated movies that adults and children loved . what we got instead is underwhelming

By: Marielle Mon, 04 Dec 2017 18:39:00 +0000 Years later your prediction is wrong. Tangled is the one that is remembered. It’s the model for Frozen and Moana. Frog is long forgotten.

I personally disagree with your assertion that people don’t care about the medium. In 2009, I had no desire to see a 90s style 2D Disney movie. In fact that desire died in 2001 and that’s why I switched to Pixar like everyone else. If Pixar could do fish in 2003, surely Disney could have done frogs in 2009. The Princess and the Frog would have looked phenomenal in the visual style of Tangled.

I like 2D films like 2012’s Winnie-the-Pooh, Boy and the World, Song of the Sea, Loving Vincent, but that’s because they innovate not copy.

By: sandwyrm Sat, 16 Jul 2016 06:31:00 +0000 Pixar is declining because it’s best talent went over to run Disney Animation after the merger.

Like I said, 2D isn’t dying, far from it. It’s booming on TV. But in terms of the visual freedom/quality (not always realized) that will reliably put butts in expensive movie seats, it’s going to be 99% 3D.

The only “2D” films that can even compete are 80% produced by Miyazaki in Japan, and they include plenty of added 3D elements. Hell, even South Park is produced using 3D software to mimic 2D cutouts. So it’s a really fuzzy line sometimes between the 2 and the 3 in D. If a computer is coloring and compositing your 2D drawings, then isn’t it still “computer graphics” in the end?

By: Master50007887 Fri, 15 Jul 2016 02:53:00 +0000 While I do concede that Disney’s current output looks good aesthetically, I don’t agree at all with your assertion that 3D films have inherently increased visual quality. Considering how completely different 2D animation looks from 3D, I think there is no metric for comparing a work done in either style, apart from subjective taste on a case-by-case basis. Honestly, 2D animation from nearly a century ago holds up, whereas most 3D from over 15 years ago (unless it’s Pixar) looks laughably bad, and even some more recent works too.

I do love 3D, and think it definitely has just as much potential as 2D, but many films done in 3D just can’t compare to the beauty of many hand-drawn animations, imo of course. To me, it’s a tremendous shame how 2D has been swallowed up by 3D in the world of Western Animated cinema. Decades of development and refinement of the medium all thrown out, due to cost and perceived return. (Unlike your claims, hand-drawn animation is much more expensive – it requires many more skilled animators working from scratch & more raw materials – not to say 3D doesn’t require skill – all great art needs skill – but with 3D once you have the base engine & programs and have the models ready, it’s really not as expensive, especially now)

You claim that there are confines of what you can do within 2D, to which I staunchly disagree. The world of experimental hand-drawn animation, and different styles in general prove that. Look with a more global perspective, such as the works of the Soviet Animators, the long development of anime in Japan, modern French & Irish cartoons, and of course the decades of prominence in America. The sheer variety and versatility of hand-drawn animation shows how few boundaries there are, and how the rules are constantly being changed and shattered.

Like I said a while back, I still like what Disney’s been doing these past few years. (In fact, while they’ve seemingly gotten better, Pixar seems to be declining) In spite of that, I think it’s a massive shame that the animation studio with the most resources in the world chose to turn their back on 2D. America has had a long and impressive history of hand-drawn animation, and if anyone could bring about a return to form, it would have been Disney. Really, its sadly comical how Disney should theoretically be able to take the most risks because of its success, when in reality it will never take risks because of that success. The Princess and the Frog was a gorgeous film, and I think the corporation heads were scared to promote a hand-drawn film, dooming it to comparative failure.

The film was great on its own, but showed just how much life and potential Disney’s animators still had. The film felt alive and excited in a way I haven’t really felt from Tangled or Frozen. Don’t get me wrong, I like both those films quite a lot and both are quite beautiful at times. That said, looking at the concept art for both films, I can unhesitatingly say I would have preferred them to be in 2D. I find it odd that you think they did things that only 3D could do, when they follow the same beats as pretty much any other Disney Princess film. (still well executed though) Sure, some of the sequences would have to be reconfigured, but all the script, scenes, and story would not have to have been changed at all. I mean the concept art for the film was handrawn, lol.

Maybe one day 2D film will make a comeback in the West. Until then I’ve still got the amazing works of Cartoon Saloon and countless Japanese Studios (such as Trigger, MAPPA, Madhouse, Production I.G., and many other studios directors and others) to occupy my attention &love.

By: sandwyrm Thu, 12 May 2016 20:57:00 +0000 2D animation has its place, but that place is on TV, where the amount of 2D animated work has exploded (and been largely off-shored). 2D is everywhere, just not in movies.

3D is much more expensive to produce, and you’ll see fewer risks taken because of that. But it’s the increased visual quality (shadows, reflected colors, textures, cinematic camera motions…) that sets 3D films apart from what you see on TV, and gives audiences a reason to pay attention to them. They stand out.

There are dozens of places in Tangled where I’m awed by the sheer beauty of the rendering and character designs, and many of the sequences in it could only be realized properly in 3D. In 2D, the entire story would have to be re-written (and re-storyboarded) in order to work within the confines of what you can do in 2D, even with the bits of inserted 3D that Disney has used as far back as Beauty & The Beast.

By: Josiane Tremblay Tue, 09 Feb 2016 23:56:00 +0000 I truly like both movies. However, I simply feel The princess and the frog was less “fairy tale ish” ; A fairy tale which really feel like a fairy tale to me must not be set in a “modern” setting and setting it in the 1920s/1930s removed that charm for me. BUT the movie does have plenty of charms for itself, it’s just not the same as the one from the Disney Renaissance ones.

By: Alias Darker Sun, 12 Jul 2015 08:49:00 +0000 yeah ok, if that’s what you think , i respect your opinion , hope you respect mine as well even if you don’t like it .

By: Lila Paige Sun, 12 Jul 2015 07:44:00 +0000 So do you. 🙂

By: Master50007887 Mon, 22 Jun 2015 22:55:00 +0000 Really? I’m sure you saw a movie that’s only 5 years old as a “kid”… wonder what that makes you now. Still I think the saying CGI is “better” animation is just ridiculous. Both formats have their strengths and weaknesses, but overall I still prefer hand-drawn. I adore Pixar’s work, but I feel like it would be great if Disney still did traditional animation. That way we’d have more variety, especially considering the dearth of hand-drawn features right now. Also, Princess & the Frog was filled with so much more style, color, and life in its animation. I liked Tangled a lot, but Princess and the Frog wowed me. It’s a much more beautiful film and the songs are both more plentiful and better. To me it feels like a return to form for Disney. I also loved Frozen, but it saddens me that Disney at least for now is sticking witch CGI. So far I haven’t seen many truly beautiful CGI films (although not conventionally “beautiful” Rango looked amazing as did the How to Train Your Dragon films) but hand-drawn films have and continue to look amazing. Just look at Cartoon Saloon’s work on The Secret of Kells & Song of the Sea. Hand drawn animation just has so much potential. Still I hope that you’re either a troll (based on your extremely over the top statements) or just exaggerating. Either way try to take a second look at hand-drawn films. They really are incredible.

By: The Angry Turtle Tue, 12 May 2015 00:37:00 +0000 Having the benefit of a few years for perspective they were both really good movies. However looking at them critically I’d be lying if I didn’t’ say that Princess and the Frog was the better film. Tangled was more of an adventure, it was bigger, and was funnier. However Princess and the Frog had a better story, better music, a more positive message for women, and beautiful 2D animation. And sadly the last we’ll ever see from Disney.
