Happy Bloggerversary!

Guys! We’re one year old! So we’re gonna celebrate!

And there ain’t no bloggerversary like a Magical World Of bloggerversary because a Magical World Of bloggerversary is three weeks late.

Yeah, my actual bloggerversary was November 23. But I forgot…

So to make up for it, I’ve decided to wish myself…

I’ll celebrate with a few numbers. Since me and Big Bro set out on this blogpedition a year (and three weeks) ago, we have had…

  • 70 Posts
  • 15,000 visitors
  • 2,000 Tweets
  • and 1 person who thinks I’m a moron
  • Screen Shot 2013-12-10 at 5.07.24 PM

    You will always hold a special place in my heart, Bob.

[Big Bro’s note: Make that two people. ZING]

Our most popular post was my public service announcement about Cinderella’s dress. Glad to see my minions are spreading the word! We will bring back the sparkly.

Other Fan Favorites:

The Lady of the Grand Floridian

Disney’s New Princess Look: What are you doing!? 

A Cynic’s Top Five Disney Couples


Tangled vs Princess and the Frog: The Unfortunate Disney Litmus Test 

My Personal Favorite?

Disney’s Biggest Assholes. Partially because I had a lot of fun writing it, and partially because I had even more fun promoting it. For a while, if you typed “biggest assholes” into Google, my face would appear.

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[Big Bro’s note: Here’s my favorite.]

Since I’m insanely competitive about the oddest things, I launched a full media campaign explaining why I should be the Number One Asshole of Google’s search engine.

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After begging people on twitter, facebook, tumblr, and yelling at people randomly on the streets, I finally became the Number One Asshole!

biggest asshole

[Big Bro’s note: I always believed in you.]

I mean, what more could a girl ask for of her first year in the blogosphere?

I would like to sincerely thank all of my wonderfully sassy and savvy readers.

So please, keep reading! Because this has been way too much fun for me.

And though this blog is now a year older and wiser, rest assured that it is not too old. Because you, dear reader, know by now that you are never too old for Disney.

Just too dead inside.

Here’s to another exciting year with the Magical World Of!